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May 2, 2011 | 8:05 AM | 0 ♥
ak tk phm , knape korang still nk kutuk ak lg
ape slhnye ckp tros terang .
OK , ak tk nmpk kelemahan ak , korg jehh nmpk .
why not bgtawu . ak tk mara .
honestly , ak lg ske korg tros terang dpd
ckp belakang belakang .
kte da lame mmbr kodd .
yupp ! myb bnd nie mkn dlm but
at least ak tawu kelemahan ak and ak
try ubah sikap ak . Insyaallah .


Copyright ©. Code thanks to OhMissLinda.Re-edited by NayliIdzwati. With little helped of CikGee